Trucker Digest • Для Тех, Кто За Рулем • Established in 2007
• February 10, 2017
Where to Find Loads in the Slow Season
February is the slow season for freight, and it may feel like your business is at a crawl right now.
Magazine about trucks, cars, and ground transportation. Published monthly and distributed in the Greater Toronto Area, provinces of Ontario and Manitoba.
Mack Trucks Stakes Highway Claim with All-New Mack Anthem™
Mack Trucks introduced its new, next-generation highway hero, the Mack Anthem™, during the Mack Global Dealer Summit in Allentown, Pennsylvania. The Mack Anthem is a re-engineered, redesigned and reimagined interpretation of what today′s highway truck should be – aerodynamic, comfortable and connected, all with a distinctively bold Mack look.
2013 HOS Rule Is Gone for Good.
The 2013 version of the 34-hour restart rule required drivers to be off-duty for two periods from 1AM to 5AM before they could go back to work, and the restart could only be used once per week.