Toronto Autoshow 2009 (Issue 2, March 2009)
Toronto Autoshow 2008 (Issue 10, March 2008)

Canadian International Autoshow 2008

Toronto, ON, February 2008

We do not know a trucker who is not enthusiastic about cars. It is a reason why we created this page, where you will find pictures, articles and other stuff devoted to MAN & CAR and sometime WOMAN & CAR!

These pictures were made by DorogaRoad (except Toyota i-Real, courtesy of Toyota Canada) at Canadian International Autoshow that took place in Toronto in mid February 08. Although we learned at show that

  • Toyota spent about a million bucks an hour last year for innovations and R&D, so its newly developed car-chair hybrid i-Real can run as fast as 30 km/h,
  • CEO Mercedes-Benz of Canada lost for speeding his drivers license in Ontario,
  • New rear wheel drive Hyundai Genesis with optional 4,6L V8 was build with Mercedes E-class in mind but will compete with Chrysler 300,
we are not providing any specs of model shown (you can get this info from variety of other sources), we just inviting you one more time (if you attended the show) to enjoy the beauty of these beasts.

Автовыставка Торонто-2008